Yercaud trip contd...
Day 2
We had an elaborate breakfast of idli, vada, masala dosa, puri and masala, pongal , tea and a glass of lassi.That was Shevaroy's special breakast. we had fixed the auto driver who took us to Pagoda the day before, for taking us around the other view points. We started at 10:AM sharp.
First stop was Lady's seat and few metres away is the Gent's seat. Spectacular view from both the points. Then we drove to the Children's seat.

View from different seats
We can walk to the rose garden from that entrance. The garden was full of trees of various kinds. Good pathways are laid and absolutely lovely place to spend some time. All rose plants are at the entrance of the garden. The roses were in the budding stage. Only few roses in full bloom.

Few shots inside the rose garden
Then we proceeded to the Shevaoryan temple which is inside a cave. The temple is situated at the highest peak of the hill. The cave is very small. You will have to bent a little to walk inside. No light other than from the lamps lit before the idol. on the way down, we stopped at the Raja Rajeswari temple.

View of the shevaroyan temple from outside.
We were back to the hotel by 1 P.M. Had lunch and relaxed in the room. Evening went to the plantation inside the hotel compound. A very nice place to walk around. Then spend sometime at the lake and was ready to leave Yercaud the next morning.
Plantation at the back of the hotel
Day 3.
Took the bus to Salem at 8 :15. After reaching the bus stand, immediately took an auto to reach the railway station in the hope of catching a train scheduled at9:30. We had plans to buy the famous Salem mangoes. But if we miss that train, we have to wait for nearly two hours and will be reaching home in the scorching afternoon. We rushed to the platform to see our train arriving. Immediately got into the train. Got two packets of idli and finished our breakfast. Reached home by 1:30 PM.